Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wow..! Mainan Warna Pastel Meriahkan Kek Perkahwinan Syafiqa Melvin (Juara Gadis Melayu 2) dan Dato Zainal Abidin Osman di Parit Buntar


Keterujaan dan keobsesan i terhadap kek sudah tidak dapat disangkal lagi..I cukup berpuas hati even tak dapat menjamah kesedapan rasa kek tapi i masih berpeluang menjamu mata melihat dan menghayati hasil seni kreativiti dekorasi kek...Sungguh teruja dan kagum..I wish suatu masa nanti i juga berupaya dan berbakat untuk menghasilkan kek yang sedap beserta idea dekorasi yang kreatif dan terkini.
 Deco and centerpiece ..Sungguh memikat hati..Vendor from Ari Weddingcouture
Putih menjadi temanya..Dan didekorasikan indah bersama sentuhan bunga warna pastel.Ternyata lembut dan mendamaikan..Warna top 2012..Kebanyakan pengantin suka mengenakan warna sebegini...Kalau i pun i nak jugak warna soft macamni..hehe
 Selamat pengantin baru  Dato Zainal Abidin Osman dan Datin Syafiqa Melvin
Semoga berbahagia selalu...=)

Gambar kredit kepada G.i Photoshoot

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What I Learned From Singapore Trip?

When the people in class say that we were went to Singapore. I say yahoooo with a big smile. Even I have been there before, but for this time I will go there with my lovely classmates. It sound good right. Yes, really. ! Only this time we can gather together and it is our last class trip . I will miss this sweet memories...Sure..!

On Tuesday at dated 27 Mac 2012 we were went there from FAB UTM at about 7.15 o’clock. We arrived in Singapore about one and half an hour after due the immigration process first. First place we were went to the Singapore City Gallery. This Singapore City Gallery also placed the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA Centre) inside.

 From the observation and explanation from our lecturer, Dr Ho Chin Siong about Singapore from pre-50 when the post-war period until era 2000, i saw many of physical development were change rapidly. Singapore city make the good change for each era like 70 era when their start to build up the modern infrastructure and for the 80 era, their government also have put the good transformation by providing a quality living environment to their citizen. When come to 2000’s era, the Singapore government state their mission with the great words “A great city and play.
At Singapore City Gallery also we were introduced to every part which were have 10 thematic areas and more than 50 audiovisual and interactive exhibits spanning three floors. When came here, basically Singapore City Gallery offers an exciting, multi-sensory learning experience into Singapore’s planning journey. That is the one factor that we from 4SBW came here because we want to know about the planning history and planning journey in Singapore which is the one develop country in the world. From the visit, I see how their country develop and how their overcome their challenge. Beautiful Singapore with beautiful planning that the words can I say when I look their architectural models that showing an exclusive bird’s eye view of Singapore. 

Other than that, Singapore city have their own planning sustainability which is their country have different strategies that have helped to shape Singapore today. This includes how the land is planned for live, work and play opportunities, creating an endearing home for all.

Opposite the Singapore City Gallery, I saw a beautiful red dot design museum. I am very amazed at that time because their building was designed perfectly. From the information that I got, the red dot museum was the largest contemporary design museum in Asia.

After that, we went to the Maxwell Food Centre to take our lunch first before we walk along the road to go to the Chinatown Market. Their food courts are quite same in Malaysia and their building also not impress me well. Along our road to Chinatown Market, I look at surrounding there were many colourful heritage buildings. From my observation during that time also, I feel that Singapore have many heritage building that were conserve until now because the building even the design physically old but it’s can give good attraction to others with the improvement of building colour and building facade which look nice and give beautiful effect.

The Singaporean also very friendly and quite nice with me and other’s friend when we bought some clothes, fridge magnets, key chains and others at Chinatown Market. We also can bargain that things like we were in Malaysia. Their culture also common with Malaysia but I think the Singaporean are well manner in their discipline compared with Malaysian. It is because their country is very clean due their discipline to an environment. I do not saw any much rubbish on the road and it’s very clean.
The last part for our trip was around Marina Bay. Marina Bay is Singapore’s most exciting and ambitious urban project to date and the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) is sparing no effort to transform the bay into a waterfront playground for all purpose and for all ages.

At first, we went visit the Marina Bay City Gallery, a sparkling two storey building at the waterfront promenade. I can learn how Marina Bay came about and many fun facts about the place. I can have a bird’s eye view of the city looking at this amazing scaled model of the city centre. There are also really cool fountain features next to it.

 Singapore is well known with their high rise building which are make their city become a compact city. Though physically small, Singapore is an economic giant. At the surrounding in Marina Bay, I can look many high rise building which were beautiful and designed with unique architectural. Along our walk to others place that surround in Marina Bay, I do not saw many people who walk along the road. However, when we were took the road under the ground (subway), I am very amazed because I saw many people walk there. It is because Singapore city make more underground road (subway) to facilitate people so that can reduce the congestion also. Furthermore, there were some MRT Stations also located under the ground.

Generally from this trip I sincerely amazed with Singapore country because it is a vibrant city which is I can explore the beautiful Singapore. Besides, Singapore is a small country but can develop very fast and transformed itself from a fishing port to a cosmopolitan city within short period of time. I also enjoyable to learn the art and science of creating memorable buildings and streetscapes that can help our country, Malaysia more distinctive.

That's all ...Thanks for reading this entry..!

Wordless Wednesday|| Ladang Tebu


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

HI-Tea-Keropok Keping Terengganu dan Teh O

 Hujan-hujan camni pekena Teh O panas memang terbaik...!
 Keropok keping Terengganu...Rangup digoreng krup krap di mulut...
 Yeah, the tip top menu for hi-tea..You all perlu try...Takkan pernah menyesal..
Air lada or air cuka orang Terengganu panggil...Cicah dengan keropok keping memang marveles lah...Sampai tak sedar dah habis kalau makan depan tv...Nak lagiiiiiiiiiii....!

Apa menu hi-tea korang petang ni???Cer share sikit...

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Terengganu Juara SUKMA 2012, Ahad Depan Cuti Umum


I am proud to be Terengganunian..macam bnian plak bunyi..heh..:p
Semalam bertarikh 16 Julai 2012 telah berakhirnya SUKMA ke 15 di Stadium Darul Makmur, Kuantan, Pahang.Ia telah berlangsung selama seminggu bermula 7 Julai 2012

Terengganu berjaya mencipta rekod apabila muncul juara keseluruhan buat kali keempat berturut-turut pada temasya Sukan Malaysia (Sukma) ke -15 Pahang 2012 selepas berakhirnya tiga acara akhir, dekat sini semalam.

Kontinjen Terengganu

Terengganu dinobatkan selaku juara selepas meraih 62 pingat emas, 24 perak dan 31 gangsa, jauh meninggalkan pencabar terdekat, Selangor yang muncul naib juara dengan meraih 47 emas, 54 perak dan 60 gangsa.

Manakala Pahang selaku tuan rumah menduduki tempat ketiga apabila memperoleh 45 emas, 40 perak dan 38 gangsa.

Kali pertama Terengganu muncul juara keseluruhan Sukma adalah ketika menjadi tuan rumah temasya itu pada 2008 dengan meraih 61 pingat emas, 39 perak dan 47 gangsa.

Dua tahun kemudian, kontinjen Terengganu sekali lagi ditabalkan juara apabila memungut 47 pingat emas, 30 perak dan 43 gangsa.

Tahun lalu, Terengganu melakar hatrik dengan mengungguli temasya Sukma buat kali ketiga berturut-turut selepas membawa pulang 23 pingat emas, lima perak dan 10 gangsa.

Lebih membanggakan, Terengganu yang menyasarkan 47 pingat emas pada Sukma kali ini, berjaya membolot sehingga 62 kilauan emas.


Menteri Besar, Dato’ Seri Ahmad Said mengumumkan Ahad ini, 22 Julai 2012, sebagai cuti umum di Terengganu berikutan kejayaan kontinjen negeri itu menjuarai Sukan Malaysia (Sukma) ke-15 di Pahang, malam tadi.

Beliau juga berkata, pengisytiharan cuti umum itu juga sebagai tanda penghargaan kepada seluruh rakyat Terengganu yang menyokong atlet Sukma negeri sehingga berjaya melakar kejayaan gemilang.

“Sebagai tanda penghargaan dan terima kasih kerajaan negeri kepada kejayaan kontinjen Sukma negeri, saya isytiharkan Ahad ini sebagai cuti umum di Terengganu," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas menyambut ketibaan pasukan itu di Padang Astaka, Chukai, Kemaman, hari ini.


Yeay yeay kita coootiiiiiiiiiiiiii...=)

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12 : 34

12 : 34

Number yang selalu bila i tengok jam mesti time tu pukul 12 : 34..Tak kiralah time tengahari or tengah malam..Dan ia baru sahaja berlaku lagi sebantar tadi...


Bukan sekali, bukan dua kali tapi banyak kali...Setiap hari kot macam ni..

Ada yang pernah mengalami situasi macam i ni tak???
Adakah ia merupakan petanda sesuatu ???

Share sikit korang...

(Gambar) Sepanjang Kenangan Tahun 1


Now i duk godek-godek pc kat ruang tamu rumah i ni..Bosan dah mengadap laptop, kita beralih ke pc lah plak..Besar dan jelas je mata i yang sedia rabun ni ha...Sesaje belek-belek folder gambar, i terjumpa gambar-gambar lama ni...Kenangan seyhh..Tapi time ni dulu pakai  camera handphonecikai,kualiti gambar tak good sangat lah...But, nothing to worry because it's mean a lot to me..Gambar edisi bantai je ni malas nak edit...hewhewhew

My room suatu ketika dahulu...H02 314 Kolej Tun Fatimah
Pink jiwaku..Time ni roomate dengan Ijah Kecik..Tu tikar getah Ijah yang punya...
Warggghhh...first time pergi site...Area dekat City Square dan sekitarnya
 Ijah besar dan Diba dekat PSZ
 Time seminar dekat N24..Lupa lah plak seminar apa
 Me dan Farihah...Dulu-dulu tak lah kurus cekeding macam sekarang budak ni
 Me and Nabilah..Berlesung pipit manis orangnya...Single and available..hahaha
 Ijah dah kuar aksi roxck dia
 Kawan baik dua orang nih..Zaman duk guna wifi kat tingkat atas B11
 Haha..bajet kiut la tuh
 Ni bear dekat bilik Intan Nab..Aihh, lupa ingatan dah nih
 Kawan-kawan international i..Bersungguh dorang merasa kuih raya i bawak
 Alip...Tak tau motif letak..add sekaligus tadi..hehe...ada perubahan tak dengan sekarang?huhuhu
 Open house umah Dea...
 Mizah dan Zizah..
 Curi-curi ambik gambar last-last kantoi dengan tuan punya...hehe
 Ijah K VS Ijah B?
 Dibah dan Ijah...Sindrom lepit tudung boolattt
Zul...Muka dia seiras my friend...Our presiden..Sangat berdedikasi orangnya
Arep, Syuk and Man Bai..Sempat 1 sem je dengan Man Bai.Lepas tu dia tukar uni lain..Tak sure uni apa, rasanya UPSI kot..

Oklah tulah saja sedikit sebanyak gambar yang ada dalam pc kat dalam rumah ni. Kena guna pc dalam bilik adik i pulak lah nak upload bebanyak.Sana tempat penyimpanan khazanah gambar...Sangat rindu  tahun 1 di UTM..

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Tarikh Melihat Anak Bulan Ramadhan 2012


Lagi beberapa hari nak memasuki ke bulan baru iaitu bulan Ramadhan...Dah ready ke semua???

Tarikh Lihat Anak Bulan Ramadan 1433 hijrah pada 19 Julai  2012 

Pejabat Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja telah menetapkan tarikh melihat anak bulan ramadhan 1433 hijrah adalah pada petang 19 Julai 2012 bersamaan 29 Syaaban 1433H. Sebanyak 30 lokasi mencerap anak bulan telah di tetapkan di seluruh negara..

Lokasi Melihat Anak Bulan Ramadhan 2012 | 1433 Hijrah 

Pontian Kecil Johor; Kompleks Falak Al-Khawarizmi, Kampung Balik Batu, Tanjung Bidara Melaka; Telok Kemang, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan; Bukit Melawati, Kuala Selangor; Pulau Angsa, Kuala Selangor; Bukit Jugra, Banting Selangor; Balai Cerap Selangor, Sabak Bernam; Pantai Pasir Panjang, Mukim Pengkalan Baru Daerah Manjong Perak; Pusat Falak Sheikh Tahir, Pantai Acheh Pulau Pinang.
Kampung Pulau Sayak, Kuala Muda Kedah; Pemandangan Indah,Pulau Langkawi; Menara Alor Setar, Alor Setar Kedah; Bukit Besar Kuala Terengganu; Bukit Geliga, Kemaman; Pulau Perhentian, Besut; Balai Cerap Kolej Ugama Sultan Zainal Abidin(KUSZA) Setiu, Terengganu.
Bukit Peraksi Pasir Puteh, Kelantan; Bukit Kampung Tembeling Mukim Manjur Daerah Olak Jeram Kuala Krai Kelantan; Menara Bangunan SEDC, Kota Baharu Kelantan; Tanjung Lubang Miri, Sarawak; Teluk Bandung, Kuching Sarawak; Tanjung Batu, Bintulu Sarawak.
Balai Cerap Al-Biruni, Tanjung Dumpil Sabah; Bukit Tanjung Batu Nenasi, Pahang; Gunung Berincang Cameron Highlands; Bukit Pelindong, Kuantan, Pahang; Menara Universiti Malaysia Sabah, kampus Antarabangsa Labuan; Menara Kuala Lumpur; Pusat Konvensyen Antarabangsa Putrajaya dan Kuala Sungai Baru, Simpang Empat Perlis.

Dalam pada itu Majlis Raja-Raja telah bersetuju bahawa cara menetapkan tarikh permulaan puasa adalah berdasarkan Rukyah dan HisabPenyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja akan mengisytuharkan tarikh permulaan puasa ramadhan 1433 hijrah  di radio dan televisyen pada malam 19 Julai 2012


Selamat menjalani ibadah Ramadhan kepada umat Islam di seluruh dunia.

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